Media Room
Criticism is easy, and art is difficult.
Press Reviews
To view the media coverage about Amador Vallina in the news see the page press reviews.
Press Center
Press releases, press photos and further information for the press you can find on the page press center.
Exhibition Catalogues
Year | Catalogue |
2009 | "Ciudadano ilegal", Galería Berlin, Palma de Mallorca, Spain |
2002 |
"Més enllà de la Porta de Tannhäuser" 26 ulls miren Blade Runner Edicions Documenta Balear, Palma de Mallorca, Spain |
"El Residus Sòlids" Per Amor a l'Art ... en Temps de Runes, Flassaders, Palma de Mallorca, Spain |
2000 | "Happy Birthday Johannes ...", Gutenberg Pavillon, Mainz, Germany |
1997 | "Kunst Station Mainz Süd", Mainz, Germany |
"Künstlerinnen und Künstler für das Kunstforum Rheinhessen", Essenheimer Kunstverein, Germany |
1994 | Gallery Schöning, Frankfurt/M., Germany |
1993 | "ArtHouse im Rathaus", Ingelheim, Germany |
1992 | "Experimente" Frankfurt Fair, Frankfurt/M., Germany |

Tags: Amador Vallina, contemporary spanish artist in the news, media coverage, press reviews and articles, press coverage, critical texts, spaniard, Media Room, press release, press information, press center, press corner, press room, press centre, press page, press area, press quotations, articles, press clippings, publications, press kit, exhibition history, curriculum vitae, CV, biography, bio, catalogs