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Open Studio

I invite you, your family and friends to visit my


Open Studio

and - if it is not raining - also my sculpture garden.


On the both weekends

17th and 24th/25th of september 2011
from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m


you can inform you about my artworks - paintings on canvas and paper, monotypes, prints and sculptures.


I look forward to meeting you!

Amador Vallina Sculpture Garden

Studio and Sculpture Garden

Friedrich Ebert-Str. 80

55286 Wörrstadt / Rheinhessen

Phone 06732-9479690 


Parking available in front of the studio, the railway station Woerrstadt is about 150 m

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Amador Vallina: Open Studio and Sculpture Garden, Woerrstadt, Rheinhessen

Tags: Amador Vallina, Open Studio and Sculpture Garden, september 2011, Woerrstadt, Wörrstadt, Rheinhessen, Germany, spanisch artist, contemporary fine art, modern art, paintings, prints, sculptures