m e i n s

Paintings, Prints and Sculptures
Solo Exhibition
MBA - Managment & Business Akademie
Mombacher Straße 76-80
D-55122 Mainz
Phone +49 - 06131 - 30 43 21
Opening Reception: Sunday, 14th of november 2004, 11 a.m.
Laudatio: Prof. Guido Ludes
Exhibition: 14th of november until 17th of dicember 2004
opened: monday to friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Many thanks for the help at the opening reception to
Fine wines & little Sins
Große Bleiche 44
55116 Mainz
Tags: Amador Vallina, meins, spanish fine art exhibition, contemporary spanish art, MBA Management and Business Academy, Mainz, Germany, paintings, mixed media, sculptures, spaniard, Prof. Guido Ludes, Dr. Ginka Steinwachs, 2004