XIX Feria Mercado de los Artistas Madrid

29th Artist's Fair 2009, Madrid, Spain

19th Artists Fair Madrid, Spain


Railway Station Atocha- Cercanías
Paseo de la Infanta Isabel

E-28014 Madrid


27th of November to 8th of December 2009

daily 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.


A selecion of my artwork - only mixed media on paper - you find at stand 1.

Fotos: Lucie Geffré


If you would like to get an invitation valid as free entrace for two persons, fill the following form with your name, email address and in the field "Nachricht" the code "A098".

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Tags: 19th Artist's Fair 2009, Atocha, Madrid, Spain, contemporary fine art, spanish art exhibition, Amador Vallina, paperwork, mixed media on paper, work on paper, art market